Jan 19, 2011

Heavyweight debate

Dump here. There is a ton of buzz involving the heavyweight divisions in UFC and Strikeforce. I have to admit that being a heavyweight myself there is nothing more exciting than seeing these bruisers lace it up and put fist to mouth. However as exciting as they are I feel both promotions are coming up short. 

The UFC just announced Brock Lesnar and Junior Dos Santos will be coaching the upcoming season of The Ultimate Fighter. Ratings no doubt will be through the roof. As a student of the industry I have to ask myself if this will be worthwhile for the actual contestants. See this season is dedicated to the welterweight division and I am worried that the coaches are just not the best fit to coach this weight class. Personality will not be showcased this go around folks. It will be interesting to see if taking Brock out of the wilderness  will sharpen his sense of humor. No doubt the fight between them will be off the hook and get a monster number of ppv buys. I suspect the winner wants to be champ but wants nothing to do with Cain. I guess we will tune in to find out.

Strikeforce on the other hand is putting all its chips in the middle of table and going with a heavyweight tournament. WOW! This will be amazing and should help boost Strikeforce's ratings and street cred. My dilemma is this, how do you possibly follow this up. All your top guys will have fought each other. It may make for some decent re-matches and water cooler talks but when its all said and done what more will they have to offer. Its not like they can bank their future on Bret Rogers and the aging Fedor. This is a once of a lifetime kinda showing but what will be left when its over? Mayhem Miller? Cung Le? King Mo? Its hard to predict the future but I can't imagine that it is super bright when you're spent on the heavyweights and are left with the so-so rest of the field.

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  1. Fedor's camp wants strict drug testing...bad news for Barnett who has already tested positive 3 times. The only thing cool about Barnett is that when he kicked Mighty Mo in the groin, he allowed Mo to knee him back in his.

  2. Can anyone tell me how Barnett is able to even fight in the U.S. since he was banned from competing in U.S. the last time he tested positive.

  3. Well Dave, I don't think he was banned. I beleive he lost his license and is currently in the process of trying to regain it with the California Athletic Commission

  4. Good deal I have always enjoyed watching Barnett scrap. He has great submissions for a big fighter.


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