Feb 17, 2011

$11 Million Gate and a legacy cemented...

Thank you Toronto. Thanks to you and your rabid UFC fans you have cemented an almost certain legacy in Mixed Martial Arts. We all know the story. Dana White talks his friends into buying the UFC for $2 million. They struggle for a bit while building the product and through the hard work, blood , sweat and tears we get to witness the pinnacle of combat sports. With UFC 129 selling out a whopping 55,000 tickets and selling out the venue it not only sets a mark for money at the gate but it cements the already strong legacy of UFC as being the most professional (and profitable) organazation in the sport.

There is already talk about the superfight of all superfights. If GSP can beat Shields then we are looking at a fight that could change history. Anderson Silva and Georges St. Pierre are without a doubt the two best pound for pound fighters in the history of MMA. With early talk of Cowboys Stadium as a venue for the bout we are about to see MMA come crashing into your mainstream. The Superbowl of MMA..I can see it now. Those companies who were shy about wanting UFC to endorse their product will be beating down the door. Pay Per View buys will be bigger than any Wrestlemania. Other promotions should take note.

The gate for UFC 129 is 5 times more than what the UFC was purchased for. These guys know what they are doing and will be doing it for a long time to come.

Feb 13, 2011

Wanted: You?

Dump here in the blog. We are actively searching for local gyms and promotions to feature and embed with to cover MMA here in Kentucky. I was recently advised of the AAMMA event in Lexington Saturday night and I wish I had known about it. Watching Strikeforce and doing my own commentary at a friends house is cool and all but we have a goal to push MMA to the next level in Kentucky. We would have gladly paid admission and watched local guys battle it out.

I posed this question earlier on Twitter and I pose it to you readers now. What drives the casual MMA fan? Good exciting fights or big name fighters? Would you rather see a no name Joe Schmoe fight his heart out and get an exciting finish or would you rather see a top tier guy grind out a 3 or 5 round boring decision. I believe that we are growing as sport and you will not be able to hide good fighters and good fights. With all this primo technology we will be able to watch live or download a fight that 10 years ago no one would have had the chance to. There will be no where to hide and it will push competition to a new level.

We want to get on on that new level. So if you know a fighter, a gym or someone trying to push a local promotion hit us up. We want to help promote them and push Mixed Martial Arts. Lord knows we can't put all of our hopes on the Wildcats!

Fedor's Finale

Well another Saturday night of fights. The big guys took center state tonight and in no way did the fight card disappoint. No fight by fight breakdown after this one. The fights flew by. Knockout after knockout and submission. Only one fight on the main card made it out of the first round.

Two of the highest vote getters  at Showtime.com to win the Grand Prix were in action tonight. Both were handled with relative ease. Andrei Arlovski came out looking good and ready to fight. Shortly thereafter he looked stiff and rigid laying on the mat knocked out cold. Sergei Kharitonov was being hyped pre fight as the sleeper. Turns out he put The Pitbull to sleep with a barrage of punches that put him into the next round. Wow. I am a huge Arlovski fan but it appears, at least for now, this will be the last we see of him. Retirement may be the best option after four straight knockout losses.

M-1 Global and Strikforce put on the main event and it was one of the best fights I've seen, well at least in the last few weeks. Antonio Silva came out with no fear. Fedor came out swinging. A clash for the ages. The odds on favorite probably won a very close round but when the bell sounded and the fighters began the 2nd round it was all Bigfoot. He gets a takedown and uses his hammer (heard them called sledgehammer) fist punches combined with a nasty choke to bloody Fedor's face. The round goes to Silva easy. As the fighters sit in their corners you get a close up of Fedor's eye. It looks horribly swollen. Swollen shut to be exact. Talk quickly goes to if the fight can go on. It doesn't. A doctor's stoppage endd the fight and ends Fedor's career. Silva gets the news and goes to The LAst Emperor in a great showing of sportsmanship. Fedor hints that this is more than likely his final act.

The heavyweights shined in a big way. Strikeforce shined in a big way however their main attraction is out of the Grand Prix. A fan favorite in Arlovski is out in the first round. Will this hurt the rest of the tournament? If they are going to be able to maintain the momentum that they have gained leading up to this card they will have to do some major work. No one is a headliner. Overeem hasn't fought enough to get the casual fan to tune in. Brett Rogers? Fabricio? Who's gonna take the lead now. Maybe they will get lucky and get Gina to fight on one of the card's to boost viewership. It will be hard and I am sure Coker is stressing. The UFC shouldn't worry about Strikeforce taking over the MMA world anytime soon but make no mistake that Strikeforce at times is head and shoulders above the UFC at bringing exciting fights. just my opinion...whats yours??

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Combat Inc.