Jan 18, 2011

Why us...why now?

Well here we go again. Another blog, another promotion and a lot of talk. Opinions are like elbows but in this blog we feel everyone needs one across the face sometimes. Bluegrass MMA is not your average blog. We are centered in the middle of Kentucky. MMA is not what you would call a pressing issue here. We have horse racing, basketball and alot of stereotypes. Dave and Dump are here to talk the business of fighting. Pick your poison. UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator or even your local tough man contest, we dig it. For years we have talked amongst ourselves like school girls at a slumber party on how we think things should be, who should have won, who's the best and all that jazz. Now we want your input. We want to put out what we are thinking on and start a converstation with the masses.

This being our first post and our first venture into the world of blogging we just hope that we can start a base of readers, followers, friends or even foes.  Look for us on twitter coming soon. Our first
"real" post is coming soon so tell your friends, your co-workers, your cell mates or anyone that will listen about us. BLUEGRASS MMA....its in your face.

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