Jan 25, 2011

Head Rush MMA and American Choppers

Dave in the blog:

Well tonight two of my favorite things ever came together, Choppers and Mixed Martial Arts.
Earlier tonight I was watching American Choppers : Junior vs Senior, not knowing what the episode was about I was watching and Senior OCC was going to build a bike (chopper) for HeadRush Clothing and Accessories company. They had one of their fighters on there tonight with them, UFC fighter Phil Davis who's MMA record as of this show airing was or may still be 8-0. OCC built a awesome bike for HeadRush but not very practical for rideing though. They probably should have went with Paul Jr. Designs to get a awesome practical bike that you could actually ride down the road and not have to worry about the bike killing you.  I will have to say this Phil Davis fighter looked pretty impressive, but I dont know anything about him and I am going to do some research on him and HeadRush, but I was just wondering if anyone out there might know something about this fighter  where he stands as a MMA fighter. (Is he any good) What is his UFC ranking? Make sure to tune in next week on the Discovery Channel 9:00 pm eastern time for American Chopper you never know they may be building a chopper for Dana White or the UFC.

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