Jan 23, 2011

Evaluation time

Well the curtain has closed on an action packed weekend. It also signals the end of our 1st event coverage and our first week or so of blogging. It seems we have had several hundred page views which is INCREDIBLE. For those reading this, we appreciate you. 

So what happened this week? We introduced ourselves to the blogging community. We talked about the heavyweights of this fine sport. We went live on Twitter and brought our thoughts and commentary on UFC Fight for the Troops. All of these things in our mind equal success. 

If you have read down this far we have a favor to ask. No survey's or satisfaction evaluations needed. We just ask that you leave us a message somewhere on the blog. Read our stuff. If we stink, tell us. If you like it, tell us. Got suggestions, tell us. Feedback is huge for us because up until this point we just talk to each other and without readers input, well...we still are.  

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