Jan 26, 2011

Finish the fight...Eliminate the judge

Dana White has preached this for as long as I can remember. When talking to the new casts of TUF he tells them passionately to not let the fight go into the judges hands. Why is that? Is he pressing for explosive finishes? Do the knockouts and submissions equal higher ratings? I don't think either really apply to his mantra. Judging MMA is like judging a toddlers beauty pageant. There is no right or wrong to tallying of points, just opinion. Its the opinion of someone who is sitting cageside that determines champions and I for one get overly nervous if a bout goes the distance. Sometimes there is a clear cut winner. Matt Wiman's performance this past Saturday night was clear cut. The Edgar/Maynard fight...not so much.

Herb Dean is starting a school for MMA referees. Absolutely needed after some of the screw ups I have seen in the cage in my lifetime. You don't hear of judge's training? Its not like being a supreme court justice and carrying the pre-requisite of law school amongst a slew of experience. Maybe there needs to be some time of farm program for these guys and gals. Judge X number of amatuer fights and get your shot at an undercard bout. Do good, move up to the main card.

I hate to see a good fight go to a decision. It's no more than a toss up if the fight was worth anything. I am still of the group that beleives a champion can't lose the title in a decision. I hope that 2011 brings about some changes. It's all a mute point if you can choke the life out of a guy or knock him out cold.

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