Feb 17, 2011

$11 Million Gate and a legacy cemented...

Thank you Toronto. Thanks to you and your rabid UFC fans you have cemented an almost certain legacy in Mixed Martial Arts. We all know the story. Dana White talks his friends into buying the UFC for $2 million. They struggle for a bit while building the product and through the hard work, blood , sweat and tears we get to witness the pinnacle of combat sports. With UFC 129 selling out a whopping 55,000 tickets and selling out the venue it not only sets a mark for money at the gate but it cements the already strong legacy of UFC as being the most professional (and profitable) organazation in the sport.

There is already talk about the superfight of all superfights. If GSP can beat Shields then we are looking at a fight that could change history. Anderson Silva and Georges St. Pierre are without a doubt the two best pound for pound fighters in the history of MMA. With early talk of Cowboys Stadium as a venue for the bout we are about to see MMA come crashing into your mainstream. The Superbowl of MMA..I can see it now. Those companies who were shy about wanting UFC to endorse their product will be beating down the door. Pay Per View buys will be bigger than any Wrestlemania. Other promotions should take note.

The gate for UFC 129 is 5 times more than what the UFC was purchased for. These guys know what they are doing and will be doing it for a long time to come.

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