Feb 13, 2011

Wanted: You?

Dump here in the blog. We are actively searching for local gyms and promotions to feature and embed with to cover MMA here in Kentucky. I was recently advised of the AAMMA event in Lexington Saturday night and I wish I had known about it. Watching Strikeforce and doing my own commentary at a friends house is cool and all but we have a goal to push MMA to the next level in Kentucky. We would have gladly paid admission and watched local guys battle it out.

I posed this question earlier on Twitter and I pose it to you readers now. What drives the casual MMA fan? Good exciting fights or big name fighters? Would you rather see a no name Joe Schmoe fight his heart out and get an exciting finish or would you rather see a top tier guy grind out a 3 or 5 round boring decision. I believe that we are growing as sport and you will not be able to hide good fighters and good fights. With all this primo technology we will be able to watch live or download a fight that 10 years ago no one would have had the chance to. There will be no where to hide and it will push competition to a new level.

We want to get on on that new level. So if you know a fighter, a gym or someone trying to push a local promotion hit us up. We want to help promote them and push Mixed Martial Arts. Lord knows we can't put all of our hopes on the Wildcats!

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