Mar 18, 2011

The California Kid Has Arrived

Dave In The Blog:
Well we are finally going to get to see Urijah Faber make his debut in the UFC. This is something I have been waiting for along time now. I remember the first time I saw a WEC match, it was by accident I was flipping threw the channels and happened to turn the channel to VS. looking for a hunting or fishing show and instead got to see a new MMA show, WEC. I recognized one fighter from his UFC days Jens Pulver, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, Jens was getting pulverized by some crazy looking dude with long hair. This Guy was throwing kicks, punches, and elbows faster than I could blink and not to mention he was also a good wrestler. From that night on I was hooked this dude they were calling the California Kid had my attention, Urijah Faber ever since that first night I saw him dismantle Pulver has been one of my favorite MMA fighters even if he loses a match it’s usually still a good action packed fight. Just like the time when he broke his hand against Mike Brown and continued the fight using elbows and landing them and still almost won that fight. I am just glad to see him in the UFC now I always wished he would make the move up in weight and come to the UFC so we could see him fight the likes of a B.J. Penn or a Kenny Florian but he never did and I was starting to think we might never get to see him in the UFC but now he has arrived and I cant wait. Faber should bring a good entertaining fight Saturday night as he takes on fellow former WEC champion Eddie Wineland which who by the way has never been knocked out. Should be a very good fight, I think this fight has the potential of possibly being the fight of the night.


  1. No way this is fight of the night. You ever heard of a guy names Jon Jones?

  2. I said this fight has the potential of possibly being fight of the night, have you ever seen a Urijah Faber fight? But I agree with you my money for fight of the night goes to the Jones, Rua match. Everyone loves to see Shogun Hammer fist someone into submission.


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