Jan 23, 2011

Fight for The Troops

Well what a night. I have to say that tonight the UFC impressed me more than usual. I will be honest., this card didn't excite me that much. Some new faces, some old faces and some ugly faces mixed in a card that had a huge intention, honor our troops. From the get go you could sense the excitement in the crowd. The relief of having a night off to enjoy themselves. The UFC came up big in this one.

Dave will break down the fights but I have some commentary that I just have to get out. First I guess this event had some personal interest from me. We are from a small town in Eastern Kentucky. Our small town has had 2 of its own killed while serving our country. It just so happens both of those are from my own family. On September 11th 2001 while helping his commanding officer, on his day off, Edward Thomas Earheart was at the Pentagon. He died there.  Nine years later another young man from our town was killed while serving our country in Afghanistan. Cheif Special Warfare Officer, Navy SEAL Collin Thomas was killed on August, 18th 2010 during a combat mission. Both will be greatly missed.

That brings us back to the cause of tonights UFC Fight for the Troops. Each victorious fighter thanked and honored the troops. They were very respectful and at times you could see the men and women who serve our country shedding a tear. Although those were emotional times, good speeches and well deserved victories it was a different story while the fights were taking place. These fighters tonight brought the house down with great fights and showcases of talent. To that I tip my hat. Spike, UFC and all those great fighters made tonight special.

Dana White announces the bonus awards and they are....(drumroll)

-Fight of the Night  Edwards vs McKenzie
-Submission of the Night -Yves Edwards
-Knockout of the Night - Melvin "THE YOUNG ASSASSIN" Guillard

Big Dave will be following up with the breakdown and official results. As always let your opinions be known, they are like elbows and sometimes the need to be put across someone's face from time to time.


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