Jan 20, 2011

Big Country Attorney at Law?

Dump here with a tidbit just reported by Yahoo. Roy "Big Country" Nelson is back after being put on hold by UFC for contract disputes. It seems Nelson was under contract with Roy Jones Jr's promotion while competing in the UFC. This clears the way for his return. I think I speak for alot of people when I say that his fight with Dos Santos firmed up his standing as a top heavyweight. Can he stand and bang with Brock and Cain? He stood toe to toe with JSD and took it. Just to confirm his jaw and his contract I am in favor of throwing him right back at a top level guy. Shane Carwin coming off of surgery would be a perfect bout. It would give the fans something to enjoy and put either fighter back in the mix for the belt. With just a small stable of heavyweights the UFC will need to keep promoting these guys and working those fights in to cards to help build the division.

Big Country is quoted as saying “Depending on how much money you have you can do lots of stuff with the legal system. Probably when I’m done with this I’ll probably become a lawyer just so I can sue people just so I can sue people,” For now I hope he is focusing on hitting people just so he can hit people.

1 comment:

  1. Dave here,commenting on my man Big Country Roy Nelson. Dump I belive Roy can bang with anybody in the UFC heavyweight divison. I am glad to here he is coming back to fight. I also belive Shane Carwin is the fight for Big Country. I would love to see that one. Roy Nelson would in my opinion at least come in second place behind Fedor in the StrikeForce tourny....


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