Jun 14, 2011

A Letter From A Fan..

Sure Gruesome MMA had some bumps in the road Saturday night. What I often forget is what other people take from these shows. Today I was suprised to find this email in our inbox:

"I just wanted to say that I had a great time at the event in Belfry, KY on June 11th. This was my first live fight of this kind and after watching UFC for the last couple years I have become a big fan. My hats off to Greg Maynard and the rest of the crew. The highlight of my night was having my picture taken with Rafaello Oliveira. I've been a fan of his since his fight with Andre Winner in March 2010. I am so proud of the boys from Belfry who fought! They did a wonderful job at representing what we call the Pond Creek Nation! All the fighters were great! We need more of this in Belfry!" - Lisa Jones 

Its reasons like this that make me proud to cover Kentucky MMA and the guys who are entertaining the citizens of the commonwealth. Thanks Lisa for emailing us and thanks to Greg & Brandon with Gruesome.

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