May 30, 2011

Our Interview With The Boss - Absolute Action's Dr. Parag Patel

Its fight week again here in the Commonwealth and we are very excited for Absolute Action MMA 14 coming up Saturday June 4th in Heritage Hall. This marks the return of AAMMA to Lexington and in a big way. We were fortunate to get some time from the owner, the boss and one of the driving forces behind Kentucky mixed martial arts, Dr. Parag Patel. 

  • AAMMA 14 marks your return to Lexington and in a big way. Tell us what it means for your company to bring its talent to a big venue such as Heritage Hall in the confines of Rupp Arena.
PP: "Thanks for letting me take a few minutes with you today. The main thing about a venue is the reception that they give us in bringing MMA to them. I like going to places that are as excited about MMA as we at Absolute Action are. I am looking forward to continuing on this trend and continue taking the right steps to ensure that AAMMA is able to provide the fighters with an opportunity to display their skills at these 'big venues'."

  • Huge fight card on deck for the show. Any of the fights that you just can't wait to watch?
PP: "Ryan and Troy with Evva and Sarah as a close second. More so, I want to see what other parts of Kentucky is ready to put in the AAMMA cage. Their are still those out for themselves promoters that aren't too happy that AAMMA is coming to Lexington but we are and its just, hopefully, going to push these others guys to push their products so that 'their' fighters can get more recognition that we strive to provide."

  • Our philosophy at Bluegrass MMA is fighters first, fans always. Your company is a great model for that statement. How do you continually bring great athletes to Absolute Action and keep them competing for you?
PP: "I decided over a year ago that it wasn't going to be about the drama that MMA seems to breed. No 'if you do you cant do that'. Its up to the trainers and managers to see what is in the best interest of their fighters that they are supposed to be taking care of. Do you want your fighters to compete in events with no recognition or do you want you fighter to compete on broadcast network television? Seems like an east decision for me, but its not my decision. I try to put on a show that is fun for the fighters as much as it is for the fans"

  • We know events are in the works for AAMMA to travel around. Do you enjoy taking the show on the road and bringing the action across the state and even surrounding states?
PP: "I enjoy bringing an opportunity that isn't otherwise there for some of these fighters. Frankly no, I don't enjoy taking things on the road, yet! I'm waiting for the day that I can have an advance team to set things up ahead of getting to the location. We do have a few faces in Lexington and Evansville that have been a great asset. Now once we get everything set up and get to hear the comments, that's when its fun again. Hearing the thank yous and the when are you coming back makes the stress and the foot work worth it in the end."

  • As an owner and also as a fan do you still get the "butterflies" before your shows?
PP: "Without a doubt! Getting to a venue and there still being a volleyball tournament going on 2 hours before doors are open kinda sucks. Until fighters check into their hotel from out of town makes me nervous. Not knowing if the video feed is going to work or not. But again, about an hour into the start and I see the happy faces in the crowd and the fighter room, I know that Absolute Action MMA is doing a good thing." 

  • As a top tier MMA company in the state what are your thoughts on the future of MMA in Kentucky?
PP: "Thank you for the compliment. AAMMA is going to change an internal policy that will hopefully lead the way for the rest of the state. I'm still working out the details so I wont give any specifics but it is in the name of fighter safety. We have already seen other organizations getting together to try to match the caliber of match-ups that Billy [Donovan] my VP of Operations has been putting together since the start. There are still places where the 'tough guy' contests are the norm but AAMMA is changing that standard. On June 18th, we go live on Wazoo Sports, an NBC affiliate out of Lexington to further bring this product to the commonwealth. Perhaps the MMA fans will start to demand more from local promotions."

  • Your such a busy guy with the day job as well as running one of the top MMA companies in the Bluegrass. What does Dr. Parag Patel do to wind down?
PP: "Yeah, wind down...good one! I just got back from a little get away to Louisville this Memorial Day weekend. Its been awhile since I took the time for myself because there is just so much going on with Absolute Action MMA and the summer tour. I try to get in 30 minutes of exercise in everyday but Ill substitute mowing the lawn when I'm feeling lazy. Honestly, Gary, I just try to balance my jobs and my sanity by remembering 'it is what it is"

  • We know you can't do it alone, take the time to give your shout outs and let our readers know how to contact you.
PP: "Thanks again!  First and foremost, my friend and VP of Operations Billy Donovan.  The 'VP Billy D' came on board the second show and with his help and support, AAMMA continues to take gigantic forward steps. Cage Passion has been here since the July show and they haven't hesitated in providing support to not only to Absolute Action MMA but also to the exclusive fighters, most of which have Signature shirts that are available at  They also allow us the opportunity to plug the future shows and give the fighters yet another outlet via Cage Passion Radio on BlogTalkRadio hosted by Rob Turtle Whitson, who goes above and beyond what would be expected from a fan of MMA.  The different gyms that are and continue to be a part of these shows.  The fans that continue to show up time after time regardless if there is a Final Four game or a Winter Storm.  The media outlets such as Bluegrass MMA for taking the time to give me and others the forum to help elevate the sport.  And just like thanking the man upstairs, I need to thank the fighters without whom this process wouldn't be possible!"

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