May 20, 2011

A Bluegrass Rant...

This is something unusual to find here at Bluegrass MMA but these two things have been eating at me for several weeks now and I just want to throw it out. If I am wrong, tell me but I have a feeling that if you talk to anyone associated with the fight business they will agree with me. I have been to multiple local shows now and a couple observations have really started to get under my skin. So in the Jim Rome fashion, here is what I am burning on.
  •  For the Fans:

The majority of your local MMA companies are working very hard to bring you great local talent and a mix of good professional level fights. If you see a fight poster it most often decorated with the Main Event of the evening. I know that each fighter or gym brings its contingent of fans which is very much appreciated. However, if you go to a local MMA show and you have paid for a ticket please do me a favor. Stay for the ENTIRE show. On more than one occasion I have noticed by the time the main event rolls around or even the last couple of fights the fans are leaving. Not just a few here and there but a whole lot of people don't stay for the duration. I find this very disrespectful. Not only is this disrespectful for the the company putting on the event but its also a knock at those fighters who are good enough to find themselves headlining a show. You pay good money to come to MMA shows across the state and it is worth every penny. Why not stay until its over? I have been told this is a fact of life and it happens to the best of companies but I think we can do better as fans. Guys like Greg Maynard, Billy Donovan, Terry Callihan and Brandon Higdon work countless hours putting together fight cards for us to enjoy. If I were one of them I would feel a sting when I see people getting up and leaving. Its not like you've paid 6 bucks to go watch a movie and halfway through it you decide  to get up and leave. These fighters and promoters work around the clock to bring you a good product. Stay in your seat, pick a favorite and cheer your guts out until the lights come on. We as fans drive this business. These fighters do their part, the companies do theirs so we should do ours and stick it out. Trust me, if you stay the course you won't be disappointed.

  • For the Fighters

If you sign up for a fight, fight. No backing out, no rain checks and no excuses. When it gets to weigh in times and you see the monster of a man(or woman) that you are about to fight don't get cold feet and back out. Fight. This is so disrespectful to the guys that go out of their way to give you a chance to compete. This is also a slap in the face to the other person who has trained hard and is mentally & physically prepared. I have so much respect for the guys and gals who go into the cage. It is such a shame for the fighters that bring a strong following only to have to go back out in the crowd to break the news that they won't be fighting. This sport is built on honor and commitment. Have both and fight when you say you will or simply don't fight at all.

Ok now that I have this off of my chest I can focus on the day ahead and look forward to some great fights that take place starting June 4th at Rupp Arena when Absolute Action MMA 14 takes place. After that you can find us at Belfry High School for Gruesome MMA 4- Provoked. I am pumped, how about you?

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