Apr 10, 2011

Weekend Wrap

The weekend is coming to a close. Where does the time go? The last few weeks have been a blur between the "real" job I hold down and the madness of trying to be an upstart website in the '011. We launched the Bluegrass MMA Live Blogtalk Radio show this week. We also got a chance once again to giveaway some seats to a local show. A great week for us and we hope you all enjoyed it.

The week ahead will allow me some time to revamp the website,. gather some more information on whats going on and really take a minute to step back. We have a ton of pics from both the AAMMA show and Gruesome. Both shows were outstanding but we will get into comparisons on down the road.

I am still working on the recap and waiting on some official results from "The Homecoming Show". If you have seen the video we made or checked out the pics on Facebook you can see that it was the real deal. Without giving you a complete rundown let me take a little time to describe to you what it was like Friday night in Pikeville.

The Pikeville College Gym was packed for the event. The cage looked excellent. The two jumbo screens were a good feature but honestly there wasn't a bad seat in the house. I don't have the exact attendance but the bleachers were near full, the VIP tables were hopping and the floor seats were near compacity. There was a different kind of feel to this event though. I've thought it over all weekend and have come to the conclusion that the local guys brought their supporters out in full force. As different local guys got their names called out it was a roar each time from different parts of the gym. It felt like a high school basketball game with different factions showing out for their team. That was very impressive. Brandon Newsome did a great job putting everything into place and Greg Maynard scripted a great card. The show was great.

This was only the 3rd time out for Gruesome and it looked as if they felt some growing pains. The entrance to the cage was not very long. What it lacked in length it made up for in show with smoke rolling and guys coming in to great music. One thing that I believe will happen next show is that there was no official announcement of the outcome after each fight. That is partially why I have not put out a recap yet because I don't have the official results. However, when Brandon Newsome came and took control of the mic, it was worth the price of admission. Mr. Grueseome MMA has a gift of gab and he did a superb job of keeping the crowd going and introducing the fighters. The main event was a hard faught brawl and it was a shame that many people had left before this bout. Joe Jordan wins a split decision over Billy Vaughn. It could have went either way but it was something that I would have paid to watch.

As a whole, this was an excellent show for a great value. Where else can you go watch 3 hours worth of fights for the price of a dinner and movie. These guys will only get better and thats the scary part. I will get a little more in depth for the recap but I just wanted to throw out some feelings while they were still fresh. Trying to book Greg and Brandon for a recap radio spot tomorrow so stay tuned for that announcement. Everyone have a great week and thanks for checking us out!

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