Apr 28, 2011

Bluegrass MMA Radio

Exciting times going on at Bluegrass MMA. Our little radio show is starting to catch on and emails are flooding in with requests for interviews. Its very flattering to have people think of us when it comes to getting exposure in the media. Our pride and joy, what your looking at right now, BlugrassMMA.com is getting a steady flow of hits daily. For all of this we say thank you. Thank you to the MMA companies that allow us to come and cover the shows, thank you to the fighters who allow us to chat with them, thank you to the local gyms for showing interest in what we do and thank you to the sponsors who are supporting the industry. Thank you to the fans for listening to our show over 300 times. If there were no audience for us we would have been extinct as soon as we started.

With all this being said we are looking to raise the bar. How we do that is still be determined but we are dedicated to bringing Kentucky MMA into the forefront and getting as much attention as we can bring. We can't do this without the continued support from everyone in the MMA community and so far that support has been overwhelming.

So from everyone at the Bluegrass MMA Team...Thanks and stay locked in for more exciting features, interviews and news right here!

Bluegrass MMA Live 04/27 by BluegrassMMA Blog Talk Radio

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