Mar 23, 2011

Calling All Bluegrass Fighters

We are making a concerted effort to promote Kentucky MMA promotions and Kentucky fighers. Unfortunately we don't know that many of you although we are getting in touch with several top fighters who showcase their talent in Kentucky. We are currently promoting Hard Rock MMA and Absolute Action MMA. So if your a figher with one of these organazations get up with us. We would love to profile you in a blog, plaster your name on Twitter and help you with your rise to fame. We don't discriminate though. If your at the gym shedding blood, sweat and tears day in and day out trying to make it let us know. Let us help you get your name out. We want to push Kentucky Mixed Martial Arts to the level that Las Vegas has. We want to be the best  MMA state in the country.

So thats what we want. At this point we don't know what we can do until you get up with us. Who knows, we could be escorting you to the Octagon for a championship fight in just a few years. Whatever your dream is we want to help you acheive it. We want to say we knew that guy before he was on the cover of all the magazines. Sky's the limit.

You can reach us by email at or get with us at


  1. Today's ammys are tomorrow's superstars.

  2. Your exactly right Turtle and we want in on the ground level. If your reading this be sure to check out Turtle's blog at.. He's got great insight and is a good dude!


Combat Inc.

Combat Inc.